Get Your Kids Cleaning

With summer quickly approaching, it means another summer filled with the kids at home. It means, endless fun summer days/nights trying to keep the kids entertained. With that comes the consequence of a messy/disorganized home. Don’t worry! There are fun ways to get the kids interested in helping you clean. Here are my 3 tips on getting the kids to help clean/organize your home!

  1. Chore Jar
    If anyone knows anything about kids, is that they hate being nagged on every minute of everyday and make feel like it's unfair the chairs that their given in relationship to their sibling. A way to take that away is to make a chore jar. Fill any jar or anything that you can get your hands on with pieces of paper that lists chores. Have each kid choose a piece of paper and that tells them which chore to do. Keep doing this until all the pieces of papers are done. If you want to make it more fun, make it a competition by having the person who gets all their chores done a prize!

  2. Turn It Into A Game
    Have doing chores a fun time for the kids. If they seem like it is a punishment they are less likely to want to complete it. If they are younger, make it seem like a game so that they want to continue doing it. The more you do this, as they grow up, they will realize that doing chores is just a part of everyday life and not a punishment when they do something wrong.

  3. 10 Minute Pick Up Rule
    Kids can drag on chores for as long as they want when they are determined. To help with this, assign 10 minutes where everyone in the family picks up around the house in the designated area. This gives an allotted time to focus on cleaning and not get distracted by other things because after these ten minutes they are done.